Britney Spears Hits Photographer with her car

Britney Spears driving around in her white Mercedes, probably drunk or stoned out of her mind, hits a paparazzi that was doing his boring job taking her pictures. And the other guys got it on film, ok, on photos, but still. However, the charges were dismissed. Here are some photos of the incident:

Megan Fox at the 11th Annual Hollywood Awards

Some pics of Megan Fox at the awards. Looking hot as always, she’s gonna be th next big thing, if she’s not already. 🙂 While searching for these photos, i stumbled upon some old photos of Megan, from 2003 i think. Enjoy all of them! Bonus Gallery with Old Photos:

Uma Thurman reveals everything in a see trough dress

Nobody really knows why celebrities choose to wear see trough clothes. It’s an unsolved mystery. I’m not here to judge, but to spread the love, the love for beautiful women of course. Anyway, today we have Uma Thurman wearing a see trough dress, showing off her boobs and posterior. We say thank you Uma, and […]